InnoDB is a very popular database storage engine for the MySQL DBMS. It’s an alternative to the default engine – MyISAM, and it has got lots of strengths which have made it the preferred engine for lots of script-powered web applications, among them Joomla and Magento, which have shifted over to InnoDB for good. For instance, importing enormous amounts of data will be much faster with InnoDB, since it locks only a single row to complete a given operation, not the entire table, which makes the engine perfect for scalable apps. InnoDB also supports foreign keys and database transactions – these refer to the manner in which the info is tackled. Simply put, appending new or modifying existing data will either be thoroughly completed, or will be canceled and the procedure will be rolled back if some issue shows up during the process, thus the content that remains in the database won’t be lost.
InnoDB in Shared Website Hosting
InnoDB is offered with all our Linux shared website hosting by default, not upon request or as a paid upgrade, so you can install and run any PHP-based software app which needs the InnoDB database engine without encountering any impediment as soon as you activate your shared account. InnoDB will be pre-selected as the default engine for a given database during the app installation process, regardless of whether you take advantage of our single-click installer or create the database and activate the app manually, provided that the app requires it instead of the more famous MyISAM engine. We will make daily backups of all your databases, so you can rest assured that you will never lose any content if you delete a database accidentally or you overwrite some vital info – you will just have to inform us and we will restore your database back to normal.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Hosting
InnoDB comes with all our Linux semi-dedicated hosting by default, so the moment you obtain a new account, you can move on and install any open-source script-powered web application that needs the database engine. Several engines are installed on our cloud hosting platform, so when you set up a new MySQL database and begin installing an application manually, or decide to take advantage of the Hepsia Control Panel-integrated app installer tool, the engine for the database will be set based on the given app’s requirements. This will allow you to install and manage InnoDB-specific applications without having any obstacle and without needing to change any settings in your semi-dedicated account. To be on the safe side, we’ll always have a 7-day-old backup of all your MySQL databases, so if you erase or edit any content unintentionally, we can quickly recover it.
InnoDB in Dedicated Hosting
InnoDB is available as standard with all Linux dedicated hosting ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. It’s included in the standard software package that we install on all Hepsia-equipped servers, so as soon as your physical machine is up and running, you’ll be able to log in and to activate any kind of script-driven software application that requires this particular MySQL storage engine. When you set up a new MySQL database through the hosting Control Panel, there won’t be any activated engine until you start installing an app. As soon as the app installation wizard begins entering content into the newly created database, the engine will be set automatically in accordance with the given app’s prerequisites, so you can run both MyISAM and InnoDB without the need to select either one specifically at any time. In this way, you can use an immense collection of apps for your websites.